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Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Best Paid To Click(PTC) site on The Net

This whole web page will focus on a site called ClixSense, it will help you succeed and make money using ClixSense, it will be easy to follow and easy to understand. It is also 100% free.

  Open This Page In a New Window/Tab 
Just Click Me

What is ClixSence??

For Customers:
By taking advantage of the ClixSense online advertising program, as a potential online consumer, you can actually get paid for your web browsing, normally 1 cent up to $5.00 for every 30 seconds worth of work. The income you earn is paid directly to you every month. The best part about the ClixSense program is that as a potential online consumer, there is no charge to register your new account and begin earning money immediately.
For Advertisers:
ClixSense is an industry proven method that allows website publishers of every size or budget to direct targeted and unique traffic to their website. This is the same system that the largest online retailers in the world take advantage of for their advertising needs. ClixSense offers this opportunity to every web merchant whether you are a start up business with a minimal advertising budget or if your business is already established but you are desiring additional web exposure. For as little as $5.00 you can position your website to be exposed to potential customers. ClixSense has developed sophisticated online tracking and monitoring systems to ensure that every dollar you spend advertising with ClixSense delivers to you the most bang for your hard earned advertising dollar. Our industry leading software virtually eliminates any type of Internet bots that automatically click through your ads. For this reason, you can rest assured that your ads are being viewed by real customers with true buying power.

Most Recent Payments from ClixSence

Ways to Earn.

First and Simple way to Earn
You can earn anything from $0.01 cent up to $5.00 by browsing advertisers web pages on the net for 30 seconds at a time. This is 100% free and at no cost to you.
You have the option to upgrade your status to Premium User and earn lots more at a cost of $17.00 per year, but it is up to you. I have been a premium user for 4 years and are happy to do so.
Second and just a little more complicated way
Refer your friends or other people to the site to do the same, like what I am doing at the moment. By doing this you can earn 100 times more and even make a living from it.
This is what you can earn:
Free members (Non-Premium members) will receive $0.01 for each referral and will receive $2.00 if their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account. You will also receive 10% of revenues generated from your referrals' ad purchases.

Premium Members are paid affiliate commissions 8 levels deep!

PREMIUM MEMBERS – You are instantly paid $0.10 for each new referral. When one of your direct referrals upgrades their account to a Premium membership, you are instantly paid $2.00 for that member's upgrade. (You are also paid commissions on any ads that member clicks on) When that member refers a new member who upgrades to premium you are instantly paid a $1.00 override commission. You just got paid for doing NOTHING! Even better, that same scenario pays EIGHT LEVELS DEEP!

Premium Members Bonus Clix - When a Premium member refers a member who upgrades their account to Premium status, not only do you receive the already great commission structure, you are now getting paid 10% of the ad value for each ad your Premium first level downline members view! Note: To earn the additional commissions you must be a Premium ClixSense member. You will only be paid the bonus commissions if on "clix" made by members of your first level downline who are also Premium members.

ClixSense expects to pay commissions for quality referrals to the website. You may not use any type of incentive program(s) to gain referrals.

Let's take a look at what happens if you were to refer only five new members to who upgrade to a Premium account. We'll use the same scenario through all eight levels:

YOUPremium MembersMultiply by level commission rateEarnings for this level
Total Earnings
My Earnings up until 19/01/2013
Level 15 members$2.00 each$10.00$10.00$491.00 
Level 225 members$1.00 each$25.00$35.00$106.00 
Level 3125 members$1.00 each$125.00$160.00$36.00 
Level 4625 members$1.00 each$625.00$785.00$47.00 
Level 53,125 members$1.00 each$3,125.00$3,910.00$14.00
Level 615,625 members$1.00 each$15,625.00$19,535.00$8.00 
Level 778,125 members$1.00 each$78,125.00$97,660.00$1.00
Level 8390,625 members$1.00 each$390,625.00$488,285.00$1.00

Can you refer 5 new people per month? Refer more to earn even more!

Take a look below at what these sponsors have done in the past 24 hours(11/07/2010)!

Top 20 Referrers (last 24 hours-11/07/2010)
Patrick Callahan170
Pinoy Deal59
Eddy Salomon51
Adam Seebeck27
Daniel Morris22
Mark Konagai13
Yelizaveta Dobkevich13
Rendell Jao12
Janet Hao12
Sebas Broekhof10
Greggy Vladimir10
Tommy Hu8
Cara Meador7
jingjung hu7
Czar Josef Valencia6
Dian Ivanov6
Oscar Miguel5
Mohsen Miskam5
Tan Cheng Leong4

Third and much more complicated way.
You will also receive 10% of revenues generated from your referrals' ad purchases. So if you can promote ClixSense as a place to advertise your web page on, you will get paid commission doing so.

Next Person Who Wants to Join As a Active Team Member Click This Link To Join

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Android Ant Build - Android Automated Build


Setup Environment 

1.     JDK :Install JDK and set JAVA_HOME
(set Environment  variable JAVA_HOME to c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0 ) 
2.     Android SDK :Download Android Platforms using Android SDK
(set path variable for it ,if not set, to your sdk directory like c:\ adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130911\sdk\tools )
3.     Ant :Install Ant and set ANT_HOME 
(Installing apache ant: latest binary distribution zip of ant and extract it .
2 copy the extract file in c:\Ant   folder(you have to create this folder)
3.set ANT_HOME environment variable to c:\Ant
4. set JAVA_HOME environment variable to c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0   (path of java directory in your pc).
5. set path of ant to c:\Ant\bin
6. check installation ,open cmd and type
this will show a message like:
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
7. this  show your installation is successful)

Now, Take your any project developed in eclipse or any other IDE. I am taking project from eclipse.

Step 1 : Copy your project folder from Eclipse Workspace to the Desktop
Step 2 : Create keystore file using keytool command
keytool -genkey -v -keystore <file name="">.keystore -alias <alias name=""> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 365</alias></file>
Step 3 : Copy keystore file in your project folder
Step 4 : Create "" file using any text editor, this file contain information about keystore file. create your keystore file `

Step 4 : Create "" file, If you have created project using eclipse, this file will available, If not create file with following content, change api level as per your project.
# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!

# This file must *NOT* be checked in Version Control Systems,

# as it contains information specific to your local configuration.


# location of the SDK. This is only used by Ant

# For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the
# header note.


Step 6 :
 Create "build.xml" with following content, change project name "MyAndroidProject".

<project default="help" name="MyAndroidProject">
    <property file=""></property>
    <property file=""></property>
    <loadproperties srcfile=""></loadproperties>
    <fail message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using 'android update project' or to inject it through an env var" unless="sdk.dir">
    </fail><import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml">
Step 7 : Now, It's time to start build, open terminal, go to the project folder and execute following command
ant release
Step 8 : You APK file will be at following path.
Project Folder -> bin -> MyAndroidProject-release.apk


Create following files in your Project Folder and execute "ant release" command
1.      keystore
it must be in your project folder if not you have to generate it
type this after going the root of your project folder:
C:\users\sourabh\desktop \android update project -p \MyAndroidApp -t 1
“here ‘android update project’ is command and –p is option for path of your project and \MyAndroidApp is my project path which is  in
C:\users\sourabh\desktop and –t(optional if your target set ) used for target id which android-18 or 1 in my project
you can check your target id by typing
android list targets.
5.     build.xml
For more information you can refer following link